

Sunday, January 6, 2013

In the begining

New year, new goals, new outlook, and new blog too. I'm hoping I will be able to find meaningful things to post about haha! Like that matters. I figured I would get this going and set up while in between chores...or am I just avoiding them?? lol.
Well, not much to talk about today yet. Trying to get life sorted out by applying for a new job, getting my books ready for the new semester, figuring out who I don't want to talk to in life anymore lol. I really would rather be painting or crafting right now, but my lack of materials has decided for me that I wont be doing any of that today. I was toying with the idea of going down to SIN Sunday at the club downtown called The Church. Industrial night for the goths tonight. Show them your paycheck stub if you work in a service industry and you get in for free. It's not even really a goth night to begin with, but only goths come out that night so they quickly changed the DJ's and the theme of the night. The only annoying thing is it is on a Sunday. Strange day to go clubbing really when the majority of us all have work tomorrow morning. Oh well. We shall see if anyone gets back to me with plans. If not, there is a lovely new absinthe kit sitting in my kitchen that my loving boyfriend just bought for me for passing my state certification exam for my CNA license last Friday. One of the bigger steps I have finally completed on my journey to becoming a nurse. 
Well, the house isn't going to clean itself so I had better get to going. May goth be with you. 

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