

Friday, January 11, 2013

New job jitters

Now, I'm not one to be scared of new jobs. I am the type of person who loves change. I get bored easy. So the idea of applying for my first healthcare job was like woohoo moment. Yesterday I spent time touching up my resume, looking at the openings, etc. I was in such a rush tho to get to my yoga class on time that I never actually got around to applying haha! I'm gonna do that tonight after work I suppose. 
It looks as though it may only have the option of 12 hr shifts. Which, while I did that for my clinical experience and it wasn't all that bad, something about it makes me cringe. I was raised to work hard. My whole family is that way. I value hard work and the feeling it brings you in the end. I think the only real reason I'm nervous is I'm going from barely working here and there, easy job, easy boss, to a REAL job. A big step towards my career.  Something that will mean alot as time goes by. 
Man, I am so sore from yoga class last night. It was a good one tho. I've been doing it for awhile now, and its funny cause there are still days when they tell you to do a pose and I'm like ^$#^&* is that???? 
So weird. Came into work...it was snowing, even caught some curb, then it was literally blowing sideways....now the sky is clear and its sunny out. Wow. Never a dull moment here. 
Not motivated at all today. I really just want to whip out my hot glue gun and craft up some cute hair clips. And work on that industrial painting I got commissioned to do. Or just sleep haha! 
Ive been working on loosing weight for years now. All it really boils down to for me is eating habits really. I am plenty active. I just have a hard time with saying no to food. I've gained maybe 30lbs over the course of a few years, and I finally had lost about 15...then the holidays came around. Gained it right back. I know how to loose it, I just get lazy and want to not worry about food. I really just need to suck it up and put my big girl panties on and start over. I'm worth it, and I'm the only me I have. 
Anyway, I had better actually DO something while at work. I'm just kinda staring off into space. Didn't sleep much last night. Don't feel like coffee either. Well, I did earlier, but I forgot on the way here haha! Whatever. May goth be with you! 

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